Ch'iang Shan Italia Pa Kua Chang Kung Fu [logo]


Ch'iang Shan Italia Pa Kua Kung Fu Association A.S.D.

the supreme martial art for self defense and health


contacts and info about ch'iang shan association

Pakua Kungfu at Padua, Brescia and Avellino

You can contact Ch'iang Shan Italia by filling in the form below or by calling +39 339.4545876
If you fill the form, your datails will be included in the database of the association. Information will be kept strictly confidential, and will not be transferred to anybody; they will only help us keeping you constantly updated about association's activities by email or ordinary mail.
You can request to be cancelled from the database at any time by sending an email to:

Contact form

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Clicking Submit you accept that your information will be stored in the Ch'iang Shan Italy's database. Information will be kept strictly confidential, and will not be transferred to anybody. You can request to be cancelled from the database at any time by sending an email. Clicking Submit you agree to storing and treatment of your particulars in accordance with art. 11, 20, 22, 24, 28 of decree 675 subscribed in December 31 1996, about particular's treatment.


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